Rio Grande Learning Solutions


Davis® Dyslexia Correction Program

The client can expect to leave the program with tools that allow for an increased ability to achieve and maintain focus, control mis-perceptions experienced during reading, increased self confidence and continuing improvement in reading fluency and comprehension.

AGE: 8+

SYMPTOM: Reading Dyslexics

DURATION: Five (5) consecutive days

  • To resolve difficulties experienced with reading, writing, spelling, and/or penmanship for children and adults
  • Developed for children (approximately age 8 and above), teens, and adults
Foundational Skills Gained:
  • How to create and monitor a focused state
  • How to self-regulate energy levels to appropriately match the task at hand
  • How to improve balance and coordination
  • How to resolve confusions caused by alphabetical letters
  • To understand one’s own learning style and recognize its gifts
  • Increased self-esteem
  • Better stress-management and less anxiety
  • The ability to focus attention
  • Increased self-confidence
Academic Related Skills Gained Based on Individual Needs/Goals:
  • Strengthened left-to-right eye movement for accurate word decoding
  • Improved phonemic awareness through various activities
  • Ability to independently implement word decoding strategies
  • Improved spelling skills
  • Ability to utilize one’s creative thought processes for letter and word mastery
  • Increased accuracy in reading: decrease of substitutions, insertions, and omissions
  • Improved fluency and word decoding abilities
  • Improved comprehension
  • Improved penmanship
  • Skills for transferring thoughts in the mind to words on paper
Davis® Reading Program for Young Learners
This program is for younger children who need help avoiding learning differences in the future. The client can expect to leave the program with an ability to focus and the foundations necessary to build reading fluency and comprehension. The majority of the program is administered with a parent or support person present to assist in helping the child acquire the new skills and techniques.
AGE: 5-7 years
SYMPTOM: Young Learners, Reading Dyslexia
DURATION: Ten (10) half days
  • To provide younger children with lifelong learning skills for academic achievement
  • To provide younger children with foundational skills necessary to develop reading fluency and comprehension
  • To provide support of skills and confidence to a child’s parent(s) enabling them to continue working with child at home for successful academic achievement
  • Developed for children ages 5 – 7, along with parent involvement
Foundational Skills Gained:
  • How to create and monitor a focused state
  • How to self-regulate energy levels to appropriately match the task at hand
  • How to improve balance and coordination
  • Increased fine motor coordination
  • Positive experiences and attitudes developed for academic work
  • Increased self-esteem
Academic Related Skills Gained Based on Individual Needs/Goals:
  • Increased recognition and understanding of alphabetical symbols and their order
  • Strengthened left-to-right eye movement for accurate word decoding
  • Improved skills with word recognition, fluency, comprehension, and retention
  • Concept understanding of all three parts of a word: its spelling, its pronunciation, and its meaning through a three-dimensional model created by the child

The client can expect to leave the program with tools that allow for an increased ability to achieve and maintain focus, an understanding of consequence, and an ability to correct undesirable behaviors.

AGE: 8+


DURATION: Five (5) consecutive days

  • To provide a drug-free solution to ADD/ADHD
  • To address persistent characteristics associated with inattention and lack of focus
  • Recommended for students who have completed the Davis® Dyslexia Correction Program, but need additional assistance to resolve areas of attention/focus
  • Recommended for students primarily motivated to resolve difficulties with attention, behavioral issues, and /or social interactions
  • Developed for children (approximately age 8 and above), teens, and adults


Foundational Skills Gained:
  • Ability to create and monitor a focused state/attention
  • Self-regulation of energy levels to appropriately match the task at hand
  • Continued practice with balance and coordination
  • To understand one’s own learning style and recognize its gifts
  • Increased self-esteem
  • Increased self-confidence.


Social Related Skills Gained Based on Individual Needs/Goals:
  • Mastery and internalization of concepts directly related to problems with focusing, staying on task, organization, and social interactions
  • Acquire meaning for basic concepts: Self, Change, and Consequence
  • Acquire meaning for basic concepts: Cause/Effect, Before/After, Time, Sequence, Order vs. Disorder
  • Application of concepts to real-life situations
Davis Concepts for Life℠
The client can expect to leave the program with tools that allow for an increased ability to achieve and maintain focus, self-regulate, have a greater understanding of the concepts of consequence, time, sequence, creating order and an ability to correct undesirable behaviors.
AGE: 4-99
SYMPTOM: difficulty with focus, following directions, regulating emotions, time management and creating order in their environment.
DURATION: 30-60 hours

*This text has been used with the permission of the Ron Davis Autism Foundation

Who would benefit from a Davis Concepts for Life program?
  • This program is suited to any individual who is open to self-development and wants to create meaningful change in their life by exploring and mastering the mechanics that make up motivation and self-responsibility.
  • Individuals who experience challenges with executive functioning skills, stress, anxiety, reduced focus, self-regulation, and behavior management, will find this program particularly beneficial.
  • People who struggle with forming and maintaining positive relationships can also benefit from this program.
What kind of results do people see with the Davis Life Concepts program?

Individuals who have completed this program experience many positive changes, including:

  • increased self-awareness
  • better able to manage stress
  • an increased ability to focus for periods of time
  • able to monitor and self-regulate their energy levels
  • improved ability to listen and take in what is being said
  • greater insight into the relationship between cause and effect
  • improved time management
  • better organization and ability to complete tasks
  • the ability to establish order in their environment and daily life
  • awareness of the role that emotion plays in self-motivation
  • the ability to apply a framework to establish self-responsibility
  • recognition of different types of relationships, and what constitutes acceptable behaviors within them, and
  • the enhanced ability to make decisions based on what is right or wrong for Self.